The laundry room can be one of the most dangerous places in your home. Although laundry detergents and fabric softeners can clean stains off our clothes and leave them feeling soft, they are packed full of harmful ingredients that can be harmful to you and your family.

Not only are laundry detergents harmful to you and your family, but they can hurt the environment as well. Each time your washing machine spins, water, and laundry detergent residue are emptied into our sewer systems. This means that harsh chemicals and pollutants are being spilled into our oceans each year, causing even more harm to the planet we call home.

Luckily, there is a solution to the problems caused by store-bought laundry detergents. Preparing at home or buying organic, eco-friendly and environmentally friendly detergents can keep your family safe and the environment as well.

The following recipe is one that you can make easily at home. You’ll need some easily available substances for this:


1 bar of soap (not antibacterial)
1/2 cup of borax
1/2 cup of baking soda
Grater – to grate the soap
Re-sealable container


Grate a bar of soap into the container. Pour in borax and baking soda. Mix well. You can use 1 tbsp. for small or lightly soiled loads and 2 tbsp. for large or heavily soiled loads will be more than enough for soft and fresh-looking clothes.

By admin