Maybe group exercise isn’t for everyone, but it’s the best exercise for many. New members who quickly start taking advantage of group exercise classes form regular exercise habits and stay longer. Therefore, try to convince each new member to try a class, and then repeat this. You may not always succeed, but those you win over will thank you because they can now build a positive habit much more easily.
Refer the gym to your friends
One habit that all gym owners want their members to have is – bringing their friends to the gym. It is especially good if it is a repeatable habit that happens over and over again. Not only does it mean more potential stakeholders to convert to members, but existing members who bring their friends will enjoy themselves better and stay longer.
Read all communications or more accurately, receive, open, read and act on messages. We are talking about messages that you spread via e-mail, sms, website or via social media. Filled with interesting reading value, links and opportunity to share. Your best members are in the habit of reading what you communicate. But then the messages must be interesting and relevant, something to look forward to. On average, the industry shows an email opening rate of about 20%, but you shouldn’t settle for anything below 50%. If you are not closer to 50% or more, then your content is not high enough.
Over the years, most gym operators fight for the 30% who are already active – where a large part want to pay to go to the gym. The key to the industry’s development is to package oneself for the 40% in society who are impressionable and who just need to feel i fit in here and the services they offer make me believe i can get results and therefore full value for my money.
These are not mentally ready to absorb our message. They have no answer to why should i start moving. You should not try to turn this group of people but just let them be. It’s too much work for too little return – forget them. This group usually burdens the state with major health problems and it is the state’s job to try to motivate them good luck because it is basically impossible.
The 40 percent impressionable mass are curious about the gym’s services and have usually already tried us – but so far they are not convinced that the gym is the long-term right place to take care of their health. This is a challenge that we all look forward to and want to tackle very seriously. Your passion will be one of the keys to success.