Neck and shoulder problems are common and can start gradually. Most commonly, neck problems are of muscle origin, and most neck and shoulder symptoms get better on their own in a few days without actual treatment. In this section, you will find instructions for self-care and prevention of neck pain, as well as specific exercises for developing neck movement control and strengthening the neck and shoulder muscles. Active and self-help methods work best if the neck is stuck and painful. The best treatment and prevention of neck pain is to intervene in the cause of the problems and to change your own posture habits.
Control the load on the neck
Keep your head up. The head weighs 4-5 kilos. A long-term position with the head pushed forward strains the neck muscles and can cause transient muscle pain. Avoid long-term working in extreme positions of the neck, such as strong forward or backward bending of the neck or strongly twisted positions. In the extreme positions of the neck, the pressure on the discs increases to a harmful level and the nerve root space becomes narrow. Position your computer screen so that your neck remains in a central position and your muscles remain relaxed.
Tuck your chin in and close your eyes. When you open your eyes, your gaze should be level with the center of the screen. Take care of the mobility of the neck: bend the neck forward, back and to the side and turn the head from side to side. Tuck your chin in and roll your shoulders back. ?take breaks at least every half hour and move at least a little during the breaks. When sleeping, use a pillow that supports the central position of the neck and back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach if your neck does not rotate properly. Spread unilateral or heavy strain on the neck or upper limbs with lighter work.
For long-lasting neck pain special strength training for the neck and neck muscles is beneficial. It should be started under the guidance of a physiotherapist. Avoid long-term working with raised upper arms or above shoulder level and supporting loads. In static positions, blood circulation and oxygen supply to the muscles decrease. Protect your neck and shoulders from drafts and cold with appropriate clothing, this way you avoid unnecessary tension in your neck and shoulder muscles. Adjust the headrest of the car seat high enough that it prevents the head from rolling back. More tips for traveling by car.